What Adventists Do
In Loma Linda the Adventists…
Believe that taking regular exercise is important in order to maintain good health, and make an effort to keep moving and go to the gym or outside for walks in a natural setting whenever possible. The Adventist study showed a link between longer life expectancy and taking regular exercise, although taking excessive exercise (such as running marathons) had an adverse effect.
What we can do:Keep moving and take regular exercise of 30-60 minutes daily if possible. Extreme exercise should be avoided since this can be damaging to the immune system.
In Loma Linda the Adventists…
Believe in doing good deeds for others.
What we can do:Take a moment each day to do something for another person and remember that trying to have more than someone else doesn’t feel as good as giving something to someone, whether that be a material item or some of our time or goodwill. Giving is receiving, and has been found in studies to lengthen life.
In Loma Linda the Adventists…
Have a strong faith and study the Bible and attend church regularly, which gives their lives a sense of meaningfulness. After the service they linger outside the church to chat, which makes them feel part of a community.
What we can do:Explore our own personal spirituality or philosophies and try to find other likeminded people so as to reinforce our sense of belonging.
In Loma Linda the Adventists…
Observe a Sabbath on Saturdays, in which they relax with friends and family and avoid working. This gives them a means of resting and rejuvenating without feeling that they ‘should’ be doing something and is an effective way of recharging batteries for the week ahead.
What we can do:Find time to relax and do nothing, perhaps by choosing one day a week to be a ‘Sabbath’ type day, or by meditation or another way of resting which also refreshes us so that we then have more energy to put into working and being active.